Sangraf Italy, starting from Narni plant reopening in 2018, considered very important the development and
the improvement of environmental and health and safety of aspects essential, not just for the inside factory work place,
but also for socio-territorial context in which the plant is located.
For this reason, issuing a Company Policy and implementing an
integrated management system stimulates the promotion of an industrial mission dedicated to environmental protection and
the culture of healt and safety, both inside and outside the production site.
Sangraf Italy supports a sustainable steel industry, through an integrated system of control
and improvement of environmentally friendly activities in production cycle, the company is committed to guarantee a continuous
monitoring of environmental aspects through the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) and thanks to the procedures:
• Control and verification of process parameters
• Planned and extraordinary maintenance of equipments and components
• Measurement and verification of quality of emission
• Waste collection, recycling and disposal
Sangraf Italy environmental management system, certified by an external authority, is the result of environmental care and attention,
in compliance with the requirements of
UNI_EN_ISO_14001:2015 standards.
Sangraf Italy performed the analysis of graphite electrodes Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as an improvement and diffusion integrated
system about environmental performance of production process.
This approach with the efforts to reduce waste and to make the best use of the byproducts, that make always generated during
production process, represents an effective and concrete stimulus for circular economy.